Welcome to my new website and thanks

Thanks everyone for coming to visit.  As you might notice my site is still being developed but I don't want to delay any further about bringing you the new music I promised.  I'm so filled with new musical ideas that I just want to let them flow. That's why the first 2 songs are so different.  There are no boundaries and I hope to continue surprising you!  So this should be a journey of discovery for you and me.  I really hope you'll join me.   And I really appreciate any feedback about the songs.  I'm just getting started and I want to keep making it better.      

So you know,  any new song I post will be free to download for 1 month from the date of release.    I'd rather be recording, more than writing emails, so don't worry about getting spammed.  I'll let you know when something new is available.           Alright, here we go,

                                                                                                                                                  Many thanks,   DM